2023 change of 1 databases (CAS SciFinder-n)

April 03, 2023

We change the contract of 1 databases.

[Contract change from April 2023]
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics

With the launch of the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics, your are able to search not only SciFinder-n, but also CAS Formulas, CAS Analytical Methods, and ChemZent.

[How to login]
(1) If you have a CAS SciFinder-n username
  You can use the same Username and password as before.
(2) If you do not have a CAS SciFinder-n username
  Register user ID by referring to SciFinder User Registration.

・CAS SciFinder-n
 Bibliographic and fact database in chemistry
 URL: https://scifinder-n.cas.org/
 Materials for Users: https://www.cas.org/support/training/scifinder-n

* The following are the added tools
○CAS Formulus
 Search tool specialized in formulation and compounding information
 Direct URL: https://formulus.cas.org/
 Materials for Users: https://www.cas.org/solutions/cas-scifinder-discovery-platform/cas-formulus

○CAS Analytical Methods
 Search tool specialized in analytical information such as analytical procedures, measuring instruments, validation data, etc.
 Direct URL: https://methods.cas.org/
 Materials for Users: https://www.cas.org/solutions/cas-scifinder-discovery-platform/cas-analytical-methods

 Electronic archive of Chemisches Zentralblatt, the world's oldest German-language chemistry abstract journal
 * Please accessed from CAS SciFinder-n bibliographic information

* CAS Formulus, CAS Analytical Methods, and ChemZent are accessible from within CAS SciFinder-n.

 For more information, please also refer to the following page.
・JAICI - CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics Now Available (Japanese language only)
・American Chemical Society - CAS Scifinder Discovery platfrom

[Contact Us]
Okayama University Libraries
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