New medical/dental E-Books (On campus access only)
March 02, 2011
New 22 e-books were added to the library.
New items are all medical or dental ebooks.
Precautions for use
・You shall be a member in the University.
・You can use only on the available campus.
・You can use only for your personal research.
Title list
[1] Statistical Methods in Medical Research 3rd edition
[2] Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth
[3] Cambridge textbook of bioethics
[4] Concise Dictionary of Biomedicine and Molecular Biology 2nd edition
[5] Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology 3rd edition
[6] Atlas of immunology {2nd ed.}
[7] The Dictionary of Virology 4th edition
[8] Medical biochemistry {4th ed.}
[9] Essential medical physiology {3rd ed.}
[10]Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 2 vols 5th edition
[11]Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th edition
[12]Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 28th edition
[13]Pathophysiology of disease : An introduction to clinical medicine 5th ed
[14]Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's medical microbiology 24th ed
[15]Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics 11th ed
[16]Principles of critical care 3rd ed
[17]Harrison's principles of internal medicine 17th ed
[18]Schwartz's principles of surgery 8th ed.
[19]Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology 6th ed
[20]The Central Nervous System : Structure and Function 4th edition
[21]Cells, tissues, and disease : principles of general pathology 2nd ed.
[22]Maxillofacial Imaging
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Shikata branch Library
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